Monday, April 30, 2012

Theories On Infinity April 30th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Compared to grown-ups children are not useful in general:

a) they don't produce anything, they only use things,
b) they learn the knowledge of ancient ages and
c) they don't even socialize because they depend on their parents...

However Jesus Christ sais: "Let the children come to me" - and as Jesus Christ is God it means that you should take children absolutely seriously, too... Jesus Christ deems even these human buds precious... And if we are honest to ourselves we, grown-ups are nothing but human buds in many respects: a lawyer, an artist, a physician or an engineer are skilled in their own sciences but they remain buds in many other areas of life... How can human buds be valuable yet?

I think all human beings:

a) are able to love - that means they can give,
b) are unique - that means they can give extraordinary things and
c) are perfect creatures of God - that means what they give has got a place in our society...

The difference must be in the quantity of how much human beings give: there are very creative and strong people and there are very quiet people, too... Only that you should know that everything that a silly and unskilled human bud gives can just come directly from God (you don't have another source) - that's why the smallest manifestations of human beings should be appreciated, too - they come directly from God...

That's how you can find infinity in every human being...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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