Monday, April 9, 2012

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce April 9th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A Rolls-Royce is undoubtedly the most beautiful way to say no... For example:

a) "Do you take hitch-hikers?" "..."
b) "Can I have your car for tonight - I'd like to make an impression in the club?" "..."
c) "Is it true that you are cheating on your wife?" "..."
d) "Your phone number is in the telephone register, isn't it?" "..."
e) "Are you satisfied with the first quarterly results of this product?" "..."
f) "You must be a self-made man!" "..."
g) "With 571 HP you can already burn rubber..." "..."
h) "Environmental protection leaves you cold..." "..."
i) "You prefer more traditional things..." "..."
j) "Hey, can we dine out one day?" "..."
k) "You think I am a loser, don't you?" "..."
l) "Just hanging around, aren't you?" "..."

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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