Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Biofuel Island

Ladies and Gentlemen,

While The Boeing Company and ANA are celebrating the first (transpacific!) biofuel flight of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner (!) I was thinking about how you could use the forces of nature to reduce the energy demand and the carbon footprint of the production of biofuels... It seems to be logical to pour everything that can be turned into biofuel into a very high tower in which gravity (a major natural force) presses the oil out of plants or anything comparable... That way you could give up the hydraulic presses that also consume energy...

First I thought of a tower above of the ground level - now I think a floating island at sea would be more of advantage:

a) such a biofuel island must be easier to build than a tower over the earth and
b) you don't need any energy to lift the bio-raw-material up in the sky either but you can collect it at the sea level...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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