Tuesday, May 8, 2012

2012 - Autonomous Cars In Nevada

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Autonomous or self-driving cars have just been licensed in Nevada, USA (CNN International)... How good this is when the end of the world comes!

But before I go in details of mankind's sufferings in the hell of future I would like to mention that I could totally predict self-driving cars... Because everything was already there (after a development of approx. 20 years) for their construction:

a) lane-departure-warning,
b) shield-recognition-system,
c) automated parking,
d) front-, rear-, side- and top-view cameras,
e) speed- and distance-control radar-system,
f) GPS-navigation etc.

So by now you "only" had to connect the above technologies by a super-hardware and a super-software...

How good this is when the end of the world comes! Let's say most of mankind is annihilated by... Well, I cannot tell you anything that could kill us this fast - but most of mankind is annihilated... And then the autonomous cars can search for signs of life and potential passengers... Autonomous lorries can help build a city for the rest of mankind and so on...

I guess the whole technology was developed because Google is already sure of the end of the world as we know it... Maybe I'm going to buy an electric tooth brush or a little traveling iron - so that intelligence saves me, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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