Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rolls-Royce Ghost And Phantom - A Clean Future

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Once you have got a fancy garage attached to your house as well then there could be an inline washing machine in this garage, too... Because I think that a car should be washed every day but at least every week... And it should be cleaned in the inside the same often...

O.k., so frequent car washes and inside cleanings mean an increased wearing out - but you can help this e.g. by waxing... A clean car is obviously more attractive than a dirty one - that means:

a) you spend less time at home,
b) you spend less time in the office and
c) you spend less time on the roads as well...

However you exchange the sceneries of your life more often and this means hopefully that you are more "vitalized..."

Having a clean car (also in terms of environmental protection) you can have a more intense social life (more friends), too such as your Rolls-Royce is more sensational, too - that means it attracts even more money...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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