Saturday, April 13, 2024

You Have To Learn During Your Entire Life

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is a theory of Johannes von Wolfinger-Boeing, my brother-in-law... It is about what factors define a man's sexual life?

1) It is a good friend who keeps you back from stupid things...

2) 2 rules for married men:

     a) You have to give all your money to your family...

     b) The pocket money you receive you have to spend on your personality...

3) You shouldn't tell this theory to women because it is about homosexuality that women have no idea of... So women are not supposed to understand this theory...

4) You have to eat much... Being fed-up makes sex better...

5) You shouldn't have sex with foreign women... As women don't have any sexual desire they only want to plunder you...

6) What do men enjoy? Men enjoy playing... There are infinite possibilities of playing but basically and emotionally traveling by car is most important... Travelling by car reduces a man's aggression...

7) You could also try to collect a little fortune - that is directly the opposite of gladiator fights...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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