Saturday, April 27, 2024

Compulsive Thoughts Are An Infection

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Humans who are homosexuals used to live among many, many fascists and unfortunately they took over the way of thinking of the fascists - this used to be security... Now that fascists have died out they have left behind their way of thinking - in terms of an infection that means compulsive thoughts... If you want to get rid of compulsive thoughts you have to get rid of the infection... Thank God there are many possible ways of curing that infection:

1) Gay marriage - some courageous men and women marry and show the world an example of what is homosexual love actually...

2) Family tradition - it is a very strong foundation of living a healthy and successful life... Family tradition is immunity...

3) Killing humans is the method of fascists of solving problems but it is a bad and unacceptable method... There are plenty of good and peaceful methods of solving problems - you have to learn and use these ones...

4) You have to be rich... Rich people forgive easier, they are more flexible...

5) You have to believe in Jesus Christ... He taught that you shall not judge and you won't be judged...

6) If what you are originally is oppressed by an alien thought that is a passive-aggressive problem...

7) Humans take over aggressive thoughts from fascists because they want to become strong... The point is to become strong without aggression among humans... (Leonardo Da Vinci)

8) Aggression is no love... Theoretically it ruins your love-life...

I think it makes a sense to collect methods to fight against the infection that fascists left behind... Homosexuals are different...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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