Friday, October 20, 2023

On The European Nation

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My ideas for the European Nation:

  • a nation means a human community living together (this is the meaning of the infrastructure) (Jesus Christ: it can be 20 people already)
  • this community has got an order of their living together that they all accept (this is the practical part of being a nation) (an it is the opposite of chaos)
  • in Europe you need a new level of order as there are already old and traditional nations all over (source: Audience)
  • you have to define the order in all areas of life and living together, respectively
  • the spirit of the declaration of the European Nation should be based on the Declaration of Human Rights - freedom, equality and brotherhood (we are enthusiastic about it)
  • the practical rules of the Nation can be completed by fairy tales, too
I guess you have already a lot of the above...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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