Saturday, March 8, 2025


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Higher incomes are not enough to reach welfare... It is also important to save money... You don't have to torment yourself, it's enough if you don't spend on the sickest things...

Frugality means:

1) You don't ruin the welfare of your family...

2) You don't break your health...

3) You don't support the underworld and organised crime...

Remember, frugality is supernatural and you need a companion who gives you power to behave in an intelligent way...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Citizenship Plus

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I can't offer you that for a modest fee you don't have to watch commercials... It's about possibilities...

Laws are there to organise the life of a state and the life of the citizens... A police tries to achieve that laws rule over the country and its inhabitants, that's why they are called law enforcement, too... If you keep the laws you don't have to be afraid of any punishment, of course...

However life could be more luxurious and less stressful, too... It is possible that you consider laws as opportunities for your advancement and you realise yourself within the scope of the laws of a state... This lifestyle is called a private enterprise... Banks support good ideas for enterprises... How to establish and to run an enterprise can be learned from lawyers...

Naturally, there are many other ways to advance as well... I suggest enterprises for those who dream of a balance of serving others and of personal fulfilment...

March 6th 2025: You don't have to worry... Equality in legal issues which must exist is an objective circumstance... A premium citizenship is a subjective approach of one's homeland... It's about being chased by the state or loving the state and being grateful to it... A premium citizenship doesn't suppress the legal state but it is enabled by the legal state...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

The Guru's Lotus-feet - March 4th 2025

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Special guest appearance by: HRM Louis XIV

HRM Louis XIV thinks that humans are set apart from the animal kingdom by their ability to develop as individuals... The development of an individual can be triggered by (interstellar) space travel... Because (interstellar) space travel creates a connection to infinity and infinity creates a connection to the godly...

I would like to increase the size of earthly interstellar space research of the future to the tenfold of its previously planned size...

Visit: NASA

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team


Work Is Healthy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"What are the 2 reasons for being a teacher?"

"They are July and August..."

I think my companies could provide our employees with 60 days of paid holidays in a year... Without going bankrupt, of course...

By a 4-days working week, a 6-hours working day, 60 days of paid holidays in a year and a 2-1-7-year working cycle for the eternally living my companies would need more workforce... That's the way I'd like to reduce unemployment...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Sunday, March 2, 2025

An Untrodden Path

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Traveling is the greatest luxury in the world... The problem is that it is not so much erotic...

A manager of a company organises research, development, production and sales of a product - that's pretty much work... An owner of a company manages the money - just like a built-in and company-owned banker... I think an owner of a company could have another function as well: he or she could protect the workers... Which is already erotic...

I guess this is a nearly untrodden path - but the good intention is there... I'm all ears for new ideas...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team