Friday, September 27, 2024

Everything Is Fashion

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Well, not everything is fashion and not everything is good taste... Nowadays we are experiencing a "natural style" which can be summarised as the victory of nature over a selfish civilisation... Everything is fashion means in this context the victory of personality over the lack of ideas... I would like to show you a couple of examples of the "natural style..."


  • Makovecz style: nature and folk art overcome concrete and prefabricated buildings
  • IKEA: Swedish folk art overcomes cold
  • Hundertwasser: playful nature overcomes boredom
  • Commerzbankturm (Frankfurt am Main), Pan Pacific Orchard (Singapore): nature overcomes skyscrapers
  • Madonna: female genius, as strong as a natural force, overcomes repression of women
  • boy-groups: men singing about their emotions overcome fascism (Audience)
  • gay parades: gay men celebrate the victory over fascism (Audience)
  • Enya: natural and supernatural overcome iron and steel civilisation, supernatural is in this context a triggering of natural (CNN)
  • Mr. Michael Jackson: plastic surgery and loneliness overcome the genius, his life story is paradox
Industrial art:
  • Bangle-BMWs: cars look like birds
  • first Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class: the car is decorated by birds
  • SUV-rulership: nature overcomes urbanisation
  • Rolls-Royce-rulership: leather, wood and lambswool overcome plastic, RR Phantom Serenity and Scintilla (Audience)
  • fusion everywhere: the greatest forces of nature overcome self-destruction, fusion overcomes isolation
  • Retro-style: nostalgic emotions overcome disposable society (Audience)
Movie and television:
  • Star Trek TNG: dream of peaceful future overcomes the conflicts of our present days
  • Titanic: nature overcomes selfish civilisation
  • Fight Club: masculine nature overcomes everyday life
  • Avatar: nature overcomes selfish civilisation
  • Harry Potter: development and a parallel universe of magic overcome the Antichrist who wants to establish a criminal civilisation

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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