Saturday, September 14, 2024


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Humans have much more sex - especially gay sex - than animals... But where is the point in there? The answer is not only a theory but the result of a scientific research... Homosexuality makes you supernatural... Humans have experienced for long that homosexuals are luckier and sometimes even wonders happen to them... The reason of these phenomenons is no mystery but much more tangible: homosexuality makes you supernatural...

Homosexuality is love without the burdens of everyday problems and homosexuality forges a greater unity among humans that means it is the base of being constructive... Romantic love and being constructive are supernatural...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Patience In Space Research

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You have to accept that today's rocket propulsion is not capable of much... You can launch spacecraft and satellites to a low Earth orbit - and that was nearly everything... You can do as much space research as much you can do orbiting Earth... You can send humans to a space station and you can observe the universe by space telescopes - and that was all...

However as long as you practice this modest space research compared to science fiction there is development in other scientific areas... I like particle accelerators the most which promise you can gain even more energy from nuclear particles... One day you will find the key to interstellar travel maybe through a detour intellectually... And very likely you need a synergy of scientific results to break that last frontier...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Monday, September 2, 2024

Bathing In Light

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Recently, we have seen in that there must be some light in the human body because our skin lets rays of light shine through... This can be explained by the high water content of the human body and by water being transparent... There is another explanation for the inner light, too namely humans don't have a fur or feathers or scutes on their skin... Human skin must be the most transparent among those of all living creatures - maybe dolphins can keep up with humans...

Sure is sure, I would like to mention that Africans and other people with pigmented skin must be just as bright inside as white people... Because white colour reflects light while black colour soaks up light...

In a darkness you fall asleep, just like a nightingale...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team