Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cars With A Future

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Car markets have been extremely volatile these days...

  • In the past weeks I read in the internet that fully electric cars don't sell as expected...
  • The day before yesterday I read that plug-in-hybrids celebrate a come-back...
  • Yesterday I read that Mercedes-Benz are making a clearance sale - obviously of cars with an ICE...
What kind of a car should you choose then if you want a car with a future? I think there are 2 possibilities:
  • If you want asphalt roads you have to buy a car with an ICE running on crude oil products...
  • If you want clean air and less green house effect you can buy a fully electric vehicle...
It would be best if gasoline- and diesel-powered cars and electric vehicles were selling at a 50-50% ratio - but how do you achieve that? I can only see the solution that new car sales are controlled centrally and new cars are drawn lots... You could also make an official promise that if you buy a car with one kind of propulsion this time then you will buy a car with a different kind of propulsion next time - variety delighting you is secured...

In the pictures below: the 2025 Mercedes-Benz EQS...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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