Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Don't Change A Winning Team

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In a democratic country parliamentary elections are called most often every 4 years - the point in these regular election terms is that no political party can grasp power and turn the country into a dictatorship... I think there is a major failure with this system...

A kind of government sometimes is at power so that the whole country is flourishing and there is plenty of money for everything... Then the regular elections come and somehow the opposition can form a new government... This new government states that the former one has ruined the country and suddenly there is not enough money for anything... I'm afraid this is not only a nightmare...

So my idea is that parliamentary or presidential elections are only called when it is necessary... The opinion of the population is questioned - as it is a basic element of democracy - when it is necessary... Regular election terms are a mechanical and heartless behaviour and they may be far away from reality...

I would like to add that you must not accept absurd results of an election either... I mean results that endanger the peaceful development of a country or which are evil as we know from history... The majority behind such results would be criminals... But that is already too much populism...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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