Sunday, November 12, 2023

An Elegant Solution

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Special Guest Appearance by Leonardo Da Vinci

Many of you would like to do an "easy work on the computer from home..." Leonardo Da Vinci thinks that it can be solved that everybody does some scientific work...

You have to give computers equipped by Pentium processors to the people... Pentium processors are also called "scientific processors" because they are meant to organise scientific work... But as all computers, Pentium-computers organise the life of the user of the computer as well and of course, they organise the life of a scientist... Now since "existence defines consciousness", you would have the mind of a scientist working on a Pentium-computer... It is also to expect that later "consciousness defines existence" that means you act on the world as a scientist...

Leonardo Da Vinci doesn't deal with how many days you work in a factory in a week or how much money you earn with your work... He has only answered the question how you can start to live the life of a scientist unregarded all outer circumstances... He thinks that factory operator computers are also interesting - you could be presented by 2 computers as well (an aid up to EUR 100,000.00/ person/ year)...

(When "consciousness defines existence" that's in a democracy, typically...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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