Thursday, September 21, 2023

Lots Of Science-Fiction

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Humans also differ from animals and plants by containing artificial tissues...

1) Humans don't have much hair on their body - compared to bears and lions... However humans have clothes on their body that is made of artificial tissues and you can adjust your outer cover to weather and occasion... No animals can do that...

2) A computer processor is also a piece of artificial tissue and it makes you more intelligent... You can connect to a computer processor by the keyboard, the mouse and the display and so on... A computer processor is a piece of external artificial tissue but obviously all artificial tissues are external...

3) I guess internal combustion engines and electric engines are artificial tissues as well which make you far stronger than biological tissues were on their own... You can connect to a car engine by a variety of interfaces and who have some experience in car driving and riding can feel comfortable in this second skin...

4) A piece of prosthetics is an internal artificial tissue... A piece of paper is an artificial tissue, too - you can print books on it...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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