Ladies and Gentlemen,
All scientific research is there to enrich our resources of theories... The Apollo missions of NASA in the 1960's and 1970's were there to create theories in the end, taking immense expenses and serious risks in count... XXIst Century missions to Mars don't have any other purpose than to enrich our inventory of theories - at even higher costs and even higher risks than the Moon missions of the past...
I guess this 2nd phase of traveling into deep space is there because Moon missions did not deliver enough theoretical insights to science... I am very concerned if a 2nd phase of bold missions would satisfy our hunger for theories about the universe... Mathematical and physical research in Switzerland in the Great Hadron Collider seem to reach much more interesting results on the universe than space research ever did so far...
I'm afraid members of Mars missions take unnecessary risks on themselves with very little chance to find out anything on humanoid life in the Universe... Space telescopes promise to discover more exciting facts on planets in deep space... I am saying being intrepid is not a method of science and it will not bring any valuable discoveries if you repeat the Moon missions...
Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team