Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Hot Prices!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Once upon a time, very long ago indeed a market research found that some airlines are so rich already that they might build an airplane of their own... This is impossible because airlines couldn't build an airplane that matches all requirements of authorities, on the other hand it is far more comfortable to walk in at an aircraft manufacturer and buy ready airplanes... However Boeing's leaders believed this market research and elevated prices by 50 - 100 million USD of all models...

Boeing 747-400ER list price: 266 million USD

Boeing 747-8I list price: 379 million USD

The Boeing Company is very sorry and reduction of prices is to be expected... In the past all long-haul flights were solved by the big and affordable Boeing 747 - this tradition should be continued in future...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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