Monday, October 3, 2011

Space Shuttle - Connecting People

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I think by the good old Space Shuttle (or STS: Space Transport System) you could connect nearly all major city pairs on Earth the following easy way:

a) You launch in a Space Shuttle at a local space port...
b) You spend approx. 2 weeks in orbit...
c) And then you land at your destination airport...

After a space flight the shuttle could be flown to a space port with a processing facility or a mobile processing facility with a mobile launch pad could fly to the airport where the shuttle landed and prepare the spacecraft for its next flight...

I don't mean space research by the vintage technology (what can you do during 2 weeks in a low Earth orbit - mankind has already discovered everything) but I only mean space tourism with a marvelous view... Let's say not too many people can afford such a space flight that is why shuttle flights around the Earth should be financed by a capital strong company and you could apply for a journey by an interesting project... Space-related but not directly scientific... For example:

d) TV Shop,
e) fashion,
f) surprise,
g) arts etc.

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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