Sunday, December 18, 2022

Durable Presidential Programme For 21st Century

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I used to be a Durable President without a Presidential programme but now I have more expectations from myself... It is sometimes also difficult to say where you think the problem is...

I want to demolish the Wild West where the wolf's laws rule... The Wild West can remain the sexual phantasy of lonely men... Instead I want a constitutional state and a state with a social protection net...

I don't want to kill capitalism and competition but I want a state where capitalism and competition are there for the citizens and where people don't have to be afraid of capitalism and competition...

After the above are established I would like to deal with space research as the final frontier for science and society... It is very likely that you heard the above from former Presidents already - you have to reach a certain level of ripeness to think like that...

Thank you for your patience!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Monday, December 5, 2022

21st Century Awareness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Bogota, El Paso, El Salvador, Panama, Costa Rica, Columbia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and Lima - all these countries have a government... I am deeply saddened by what's going on in these countries... You have to care about who is at the power... That's why you pray: "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven..."

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team