Sunday, February 13, 2022

It's Only Objects

Ladies and Gentlemen,

With a very few exceptions it's only humans who make objects... Humans make much more objects than any other living creatures... It can be understood if humans like or love objects... A book is an object, too...

So humans surpass the boundaries of nature (biological and physical laws, love and artificial worlds)... The whole of supernatural products of human development can be called Heaven... Of course, there is no development without God, His love and faith...

(One's teeth have developed in order to be more beautiful...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Friday, February 4, 2022

Smog And Long-Distance-Cruising

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Of course, the above 2 topics are particular ones...

Smog in cities can only be avoided by electric vehicles... Smog is killing inhabitants and visitors of cities and it is caused by internal combustion engines... Humans in cities are vulnerable living creatures so please take care of them...

During long-distance-cruising you have to make stops so you can charge your electric vehicle... I guess a 30 minutes to 1 hour pause in driving increases safety on the roads immensely... Truck drivers have to travel by inserting longer stops into their cruising and this has no other reason than safety...

Visit: or

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Alternative Drive Trains 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In 2011 I was amazed by the Rolls-Royce 102 EX electric concept car... Its ingenious engineers managed to install in the front of the car big and heavy electric batteries instead of the big and heavy V12 engine... In the rear they installed an electric engine and a generator, approx. instead of the fuel tank... So the 102 EX could keep the Rolls-Royce Phantom's comfortable and practical vehicle body which has been developed for decades and which offers the most luxury in the world...

I don't think it's a problem if you produce electric or hydrogen-fuelled cars, too because they increase the  availability of car driving... Alternative drive trains are no way garbage...

It's not a problem either when all car labels produce electric vehicles... You still have to buy a Rolls-Royce or a Mercedes - and you have again luxury and prestige such as technological dominance... (In development: Apple Car and Sony Car - you only have to save some money...)


February 4th 2022 - Rolls-Royce announces they can maintain a Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit or Silver Spur even in the dark...

February 4th 2022 - Rolls-Royce returns to a 2-shift-production at their Goodwood plant after completing an order of an unknown billionaire...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team