Ladies and Gentlemen,
How does our body react on information? Information needs 3 kinds of reaction...
a) Information has to be received - which is an eternal task because you have to accommodate yourself to the outer world...
b) Information needs to be processed (consciousness) - so that you can participate in the universal development and reach eternity that way...
c) Information has to be stored - which requires an endless storage during your eternal life...
Our brain consists of really many brain cells still the amount of neurones is not infinite... How does our nervous system answer to the stressed requirement of infinity? I think the division of our body into left and right parts doesn't only make accommodation to the outer world possible but it is also the base of infinity... Left and right hemispheres of our brain mean that these organs are the very same but very different at the same time which is according to me the foundation of renewal, too... If our brain is capable of renewal then it can solve infinite tasks...
Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team