Monday, January 22, 2018

A Theory Of Leonardo Da Vinci

Ladies and Gentlemen,

If space research doesn't bring new sciences to life mankind is going to spend most of its time by car driving and you are going to get experiences from car driving... If space research bears new sciences then mankind will deal with sciences - which is a little more worthy of your brain...

According to Leonardo Da Vinci you can imagine space as a big sea around you that is full of stars, colourful spheres and aliens that must live there in the nearly endless nature in outer space... If you gain science from nature then the solutions of all earthly problems can be found in outer space... Of course, you must not believe in spacetime - however you may use it...

As all creation comes from God you may find presents of God in every corner of the universe... That means you will not stray in space in vain...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Treasures Come From God

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have changed my mind regarding space research recently... I think things (natural and cultural occurrences) that are worthy to be explored can be found only on planets that are the home of humanoid species... It may be another purpose of space research to find habitable planets for mankind... (Some astronauts think that in space everything is rotting...)

Space is there for planets to speed around and space is there for starships to connect living places of humanoid species... Otherwise space is a dead and empty medium where you can find only bacteria with the greatest effort - only you don't know what will be out of them... I think that 10 research spacecraft for Planet Earth and 5 for allied planets each are enough...

In the video below you can watch mining for minerals on still cozy Planet Earth... (There are places that you call a place left by God... Is the good life possible on this planet?)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team