Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Home Sweet Home

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Because of the traditionally bad relationship between the De la Mikula family and the Air Force One machines (typically no service is available) I decided to use my very own business jets without the beautiful Air Force One livery for all private or official flights of the De la Mikula family... Air Force One machines should only make a headache to US Presidents...

I am flying very large airplanes and little business jets - they reflect entirely my taste and I don't have to argue over them with anyone...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Monday, December 5, 2016

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce - December 5th 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen,

From the first year of high-school on I used to attend a Lutheran children's camp in Austria... Because of the mood at home I totally forgot some extra-adventures I experienced at the camp in the summer... Here you have a list without lack of my unbelievable summer adventures...

1990: learning the camp
1991: buying a business jet, me landing the aircraft on the island of Atlantis
1992: space travel by a Russian Soyuz-Vostok spacecraft
1993: my Grand-mother presented a royal crown to me, space travel by an American space shuttle
1994: space travel by an interstellar spacecraft
1995: traveling by a Rolls-Royce, buying some land
1996: camp, also a winter-camp
1997: the USA sent a chauffeur-limousine for me
1998: visit to the Empire State Building or to Versailles or to both places

After these summer camps I had pieces of success of other type - I never got serviced like in the 90's again...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team